RSS Ads in Movable Type

December 24, 2002

I’ve added a short ad for my consulting services to the RSS feed for Simplelinks. The problem with putting persistant content in RSS is that many news aggregators only show an item once unless it changes.

So your persistant item has to change regularly, but not too regularly. If the same item appears in the feed every day, people may get irritated and stop reading your feed. If the item only changes once a month, then the ad won’t have much impact.

I settled on changing the ad weekly. Then I had to figure out how to have content automatically changes once a week. My plan was to have link element use a query string that would be unique each week. Using the year and the week number for the current date would work fine.

See the link for the author’s code

©1999-2003 Kalsey Consulting Group.

Posted in Technology Review.

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