The politics of Bitcoin

and the fall of the military industrial complex

Someone wrote a another piece on FaceBook slamming Cameron this morning. Or whoever ad nor-seam, I see these politician bashing pieces on a weekly basis that drive me mad, I am SICK of it. Stop wasting your breath people. Suggest something that might help instead of whingeing. Russel Brand please – get off the fence.

Like politics changes anything post Vietnam and the US coming off the gold standard to finish financing it? Austrian Economics is the ONLY way to put a brake on selfish humans destroying the planet. Greens should be buying into Bitcoin to destroy the military industrial complex and stop chasing the Keynesian failed economics of continual growth. It don’t work and never will. Bitcoin is the NEW politics, you are either with us, or just rambling on about the old world of politics, which is quite frankly to me obviously broken. Bitcoin is the biggest reversal of Capitalism and Democracy since the Enclosures in the UK. Since Capitalism is not a free market, fails to put a price on the planets 95 elements that keep capitalism rolling, and Democracy is at best in the UK manipulated by boundary changes!

For the planet’s sake we don’t have enough time to debate this Keynesian economics was someone’s wet dream. Austrian Economics isn’t fair either or in some ways does fail to care about the “population”, but it’s sort of better to have a planet to be standing on and air that you can breath. To the nay slayers who protest that technology will fix everything and let the population of the planet ever expand, I say rubbish. Lets look at some trends here, technology is just allowing humans to pollute the planet and space. Monsanto, the people who brought you Napalm, Planet Killers Inc, like they are a technology company whose benefits have net benefits to the pollution and sustainability of the planet?  Hell no – that’s capitalism for you, capitalism means destruction of the planet. It doesn’t put a price on raw materials it uses, ultimately the IMF does and they are fully discounted to a group of maggots called “corporate entities”.

Next up socialism/communism, disrespects the planet in similar ways just a slightly different tune. Words and chorus are different I grant you, but the results are still the same old rock and roll, it’s still a one four, five chord combination in there – just listen and you can always hear it.  IE No proper prices attached to the planet resources. Therefore failed from a whole Earth prospective.

Now for going down a third way, we’ve only got 20 years before they the technologists perfect nuclear power.

Can we imagine a world where energy is very cheap and safe? Humanity abuses the planet enough already. Oh and lets not mention the “real war” – nanotechnology. Nanotechnology and cheap safe electricity equals “planet melt down”. This is a world I will be glad not to be living in. Bitcoin does not stop this, short of a religious event nothing will, but the real democratisation of money creation gives stakeholders choice of what can happen at a local level in their own “communities”. Maybe that could help, as the “means of productions” becomes local with the advent of thorium power and nanotechnology.

If there is a third way out there – I hadn’t noticed it, have you?

Now left and right have a vested interest in preventing Thorium power coming to market for as long as possible, because on a global level “power blocks” start to loose massive influence and importance. Especially as many sovereign nations will have imploded under the debt bomb many people know exists. The UK is printing in the region of £700 billion pounds between 2012 and the next General Election to keep the wheels on the welfare, healthcare and the military industrial complex rolling. Britain will soon be in as much debt as the Wiemar Republic before it collapsed. 913% of it’s economy. February 2013  Britain’s debt was 900% of it’s economy, but of course it’s different now?

Source: / Moneyweek

Why do you need a standing army to protect oil and gas reserves that have a different value than they do today? Then why do you need a military industrial complex, which boundaries are you protecting and why?

Mark Cross @markcross
2013/11/22 AM

Posted in Bitcoin Politics, Politics.

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