creating rooms on bitmessage


I have discovered by adding the Bitchirp Bitmessage address to the subcriptions I can read the Chirps sent to without actually visiting the site. As such it occurs to me that it’s very easy to create new “rooms” for topics we like by chirping an address and “subscribing” via bitmessage. Thanks Bitchirp for being a great place to start. I’m going to suggest a topic that makes the world go round –#Porn s…

Bitcoin HRMC, Fidor Bank AG &, RIPPLE next then FOREX

There was this posting on the other day:

Bitcoin exchanges operating in the UK do not have to register with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) under money laundering regulations, the government department has revealed. 8th July 2013.

Then this posting yesterday 11th July announcing the exchange being able to work with a German Clearing Bank (Fidor Bank AG), which will then be able to fully comply with any KYC/AML requirements . This looks like it near enough caused Bitcoin to jump 10% overnight.

However it should be bourne in-mind that I believe the most single important investment money or otherwise in the Bitcoin arena is Google’s recent investment in or OpenCoin (the company), this is an allied trading platform with a Bitcoin API – those network if secure enough could be a competitor to all merchant services clearing, like VISA and Mastercard – hence Google’s investment.

Note that Google have invested – small change, but it’s still VERY telling.

Ripple, billed as “the world’s first open payment network”, may lack the rebel allure of Bitcoin itself, but its distributed model could patch one of Bitcoin’s chief weaknesses, namely its reliance on a few sometimes less-than-transparent exchanges. Of course, Ripple will be usable for the exchange of other currencies, too, and it arguably sits alongside other new financial technology startups such as Transferwise.

RIPPLE now allows you to pay anybody in Bitcoin as of 2nd July 2013 in a way that might promote Bitcoin to be used for FOREX. Note that the first bitcoin exchange – is a British company, yet unable to find a British bank to sort out payments yet… Although do require all the KYC documents to open an account with them, so the exchange is already in a prime position to completely challenge mt.gox – Americans, you’ve just got to love’em.

Disclosure: The author has accounts with most of the bitcoin exchanges with KYC requirements or otherwise.

UK Police Launch Campaign To Shut Down Torrent Sites reported today on UK Police Launch Campaign To Shut Down Torrent Sites

What does this mean to me?  The politicians are yet again being lobbied about a subject they nothing about and it will actual make the prospect of investigating organised crime actually more difficult in future if FACT and the BPI continue to gain sway.

OK – so here are the FACTS according to Mark

If you are forty something, you were at school of the time of “ghetto blasters”, which commonly had a tape to tape facility were owned by half the classroom. In fact Amstrad was taken to court, and neither the shops nor Amstrad were held responsible for the crime that MIGHT be committed by that device. In exactly the same way that a torrent index site might be used to access copyrighted materials.

The fact of the matter was the tape to tape devices at the time were actually aimed, marketed and priced at people to perform illegal acts. What has changed? NOTHING.

Now going back a paragraph do you remember having a whole load of pirated albums from you mates on tape? Remember the Sony C90 cassettes? (Blue and Green) Still got them – doubt it. Why – because this generation I am describing went out and bought them all on CD? Remember Love over Gold being one of the first AAD issued CD’s?

Back to today, the generation that is torrenting movies now will have purchased their favourite DVDs or a real digital download license by the time they are forty. Why – even if they know how to obtain a copy of a compression quality ratio that is stunning, they’ll just opt to pay the £9.99 out of shear convenience, just like my peers bought CDs. Remember the tape example. Where are the tapes? Video killed the radio star but did home taping really kill music? RUBBISH.

Now lets turn our attention to the organised crime debate, if people are downloading movies and turning them back into DVDs to be sold on street markets in third world countries or Western High Streets. FACT and the BPI will never stop either. If they somehow managed to kill torrent indexes, it just means that people will obtain one legal copy and copy it – just like tape to tape recorders. However that will never happen, the current public torrent indexes will just move over to TOR or Freenet.

OK I’ll be honest here I’ve been keeping you hoodwinked all along.

This torrent malarkey has little to do with piracy as I have narrated above, it’s more about freedom of speech / free will. As Internet bandwidth flourishes from 7 mbps in the UK to say 10 -14 mbps then distributed TV using torrent starts to become a very interesting prospect. Brands will start to finance independent sitcoms/soaps/CSI/BGT/BigBrother and news exaggeration will change from the established media to independents.

Agencies don’t care about Murdock, in fact they are sick of being dictated prices to, hence the extended payment terms negotiated last week across the world. Agencies only care about their clients (brands), and wake up people, it’s all about the brand. Nothing else matters in a consumer society where a 3D printer will make anything you want. Or certainly change product manufacture dramatically over the next 10 years.

What do 3D printers need? Data files anonymously sourced? Hold on, you can make a gun with a 3D printer.

So you really want to drive this torrent “thing” underground and really make it untraceable? Yer right. 48 carat stupidity.

Now if I was cynical I’d say that this move to drive the torrent index engines underground to darknets would be an excellent way for QCHQ and the NSA to obtain more budget…


Universal Stamp for Credit Worldwide

I wrote this is response to Dave Birch’s Mad Man for a day blog entry. He went to a Weve get together about the future of  NFC payments. (Near Field Communication). He had to take the position that NFC payments weren’t going to happen. Which got me thinking about money generally as usual…

Eurogroup Chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem caused uproar in financial markets by saying in an interview with Reuters and the Financial Times that the Cyprus solution gave a flavour of how Europe would handle future bank crises, by making banks solve their own problems rather than using European taxpayers’ money. Reuters 26/03/2013

Negative Interest Rates, QE is it working? Is money velocity increasing?

Imagine in the words of a Rolf Harris:

“Can you see what is yet?”

Then in the voice of David Attenborough:

“Here if we look closely anywhere in the Western World and look at the habitat of the small shop keeper. In the UK we can observe this nervous creature – the independent business paying all taxes at full whack with the full cream burden of employers PAYE contribution. The wilder-beast of the High Street savannah being savaged at every increase in Uniform Business Rates to International Cheetah – ACME Corporation, it pays almost no corporation tax with it’s HQ domiciled in the Cayman Islands mopping up every retail opportunity.

Ah but hold on, I can see some Cheetahs struggling, the savannah of the High Street’s habitat of grass land has become so mismanaged and overgrown that the rarest of species the “shopper” is struggling to actually get to the water lagoons. Their travel money to get there is being taken by 7% inflation, rising unemployment, poor pay from the said Cheetah employer and soaring energy costs back at their caves caused through a lack of investment in the National Grid since the mid 1950’s.

Oh dear, the future doesn’t look good for the shopper’s disposable income, even if they do get to the High Street Water Hole of the Cash Machine. They find themselves increasingly confused about the future, their off-spring are in increasingly deficit of an education not fit for purpose and many who thought they could raise extra revenue by renting out a nest box, find that their fledglings just refusing to saddle themselves with “debt” just to work for the ACME Corporation for 6 peanuts an hour. The older shoppers with off-spring still with them struggle even to help their young ones with third party car insurance to help them discover the High Street. So in these times of draught the youngsters are just glad of a monthly phone contract as hand-out.

So called experts in the field of economics predict just a handful of ACME Corporation operating out of town to maximize off-shore profits with kick backs in the form of reduced business rates for bringing employment to the area. But ACME Corporation pack is growing for strength to strength with the lock-in of the staff discount. Observers have commented that this relationship is very similar to early industrialisation for the business development of the pub to “lock” in profit to the balance sheet.

The economic equivalent of soil scientists are however getting very worried about the ability of the High Street to even sustain “Small Businesses” and with the success of PayPal handling the DWP Identity Contract, many observers in the payment management field – see PayPal as a natural contender for the Universal Stamp for Credit Worldwide USCREWD. It started off a pilot scheme to replace Food Stamps in the US, however this same behaviour was seen in the UK with a welfare payments card. However many can see the benefits of the USCREWD system where more the productive beasts can be crated up and exported to another farm depending on their economic output inabilities and they should be happy as they will get to keep their benefits – not matter where they are put out to graze.”



How to Get the Free Edition of Google Apps (One Mailbox)

You can use a workaround (for now) (Score:5, Informative)
by Morris Thorpe (762715) Alter Relationship on Friday December 07, @03:13PM (#42215075)

I was able to register for a single-user free account this morning by doing this. []

How to Get the Free Edition of Google Apps (One Mailbox)

Alternatively, here’s a quick and simple workaround that will still let you sign-up for the free edition of Google Apps even though Google has officially retired the free edition – all you need is a free Gmail or Google account.

Go to, sign-in with your Google Account, a standard account NOT a domain GMail account and create a new Application. You may fill in any dummy date and click the “Create Application” button.
Open the “Dashboard” and on the next screen, click the link that says “Application Settings.”
Scroll down a little (refer to the video tutorial) and choose “Add Domain” to associate a domain with your App Engine application.
That’s it. Now you should see a special link* to sign-up for the free edition of Google Apps. You may either use your existing domain or buy one through Google Apps.

[*] You have to access this link through App Engine as Google Apps checks the HTTP Referrer information before serving up the sign-up page for the free edition of Google Apps.

Lets make pie of party politics and redefine politics, PERIOD

Subtitle: Health 25% Welfare 12% Pensions 27% Defence 9%

I read this interesting piece on the Guardian site – it got me thinking

It’s always been my bug bear that defence spending is about the lost opportunites to do some contructive with human activity.

The percentages above are the split of money spent from Central Government Spending for 2013

The interesting thing is that as a percentage of GDP, welfare spend was higher under Thatcher and Major, and lowest under good ‘ol Tony “War Criminal” Blair.

Looking back at the – hurrah, we’re spending less on defence and more on health.

That’s the actual reality.

It’s the state funded pension black hole that’s the problem. A quarter of the UK Central government spending is consistantly on state funded pensions. Ah – that’s not the actual problem, it’s the fact that it paid for by the workers of today, not yesterday.

UK: In 2004, there were approximately 4 working age individuals (aged 20-64) for every 1 person aged 65 and over. By 2056 this ratio is predicted to fall to about 2:1

So the percentage of GDP available for government spending is SHRINKING

“John Doe” expects money to keep raining down from Central Govenment (whatever that is) forever, sorry mate – IT ISN’T going to happen. It won’t be there, remember it’s SHRINKING

Please as my best friend used to say – “spare me the trauma”, something magical isn’t going to drop out the Narnia cupboard, people are selfish and greedy / protective of their own family unit.

So when you bump into a “John Doe” whaling on about something must be done abou the state of housing/schools/hospitals, please ask them – which bit of the pie chart they want to re-allocate?

Does it not make more sense to offer the people choices of “govenment” based on the percent of cake spent on which item?

Or how about having it as a Manifesto requirement? A party MUST state the percentage of the cake will be spent on what? And the policical party becomes the marketing machine to deliver these percentages palatably.

Surely poor spend in a pie sector is either fraud or poor management. Neither of which are any policital party’s fault. (Read Civil Service or Contractor)

devon knows how they make them sooo stupid

Today what’s irritated Mark today award goes to EMIS

Today I booked an appointment with my Doctor online (5th November 2012), to discover that I was being asked to provide 5 answers to very commonly used pre-selected questions for future password resets on the system.

The questions are presently:

  • What was your childhood phone number including area code?
  • In what city or town did your Mother and Father meet?  †
  • What was the name of your primary school?
  • What was your favourite place to visit as a child?  †
  • What was the name of the Manager at your first job?  †
  • What was the make of your first car?  †
  • What is your Mother’s home town?
  • What is the first single/album you ever bought?  †
  • In what city and country do you want to retire?  †
  • What is your maternal Grandmother’s maiden name?

Out of the 10 questions, only 6 may only be considered as not derivable form the public domain / social engineering if you try hard enough. But if you are actually in the “FaceBook” social group of a target, some of these are actually derivable themselves.

I have a major problem with their approach:

  • If this data is breeched it’s open season to password reset heaven – á la the Sony Playstation network fiasco
  • I cannot understand why the user is not given the choice to set their own questions, that they can choose not to share with other systems?
  • The password reset system was obvious NOT planned in from the beginning. Disaster normally strikes system here: gate, shut, horse, bolted – bugger

As a BCS award winner, amongst many others organisations, it sort of worries me:

  • The system received awards for the initial design. For which they’ve changed the front end design three times in as many years. With no means to communicate to the users that this was happening in advance
  • Changed the home page URL
  • Changed the login system (credentials), and again Jan/Feb 2013

In the words of John McEnroe – Award winners? “You cannot be serious?”


What is need is a system like CPD, but web sites would join as entities, run by a “NGO security organisation” – I’d like this to be called – CSD, Continuous Security Development.

Hold on, infact under an Act of Parliament, if your data is graded by the Data Commissioner as “mission critical” to someone’s “life” and the Data Protection Commission could actually be granted some powers.

If the Data Protection Registrar had a compliant from a member of the public, the DPR could be forced to grade the data the organisation being complained about holds. And the organisations graded have to have their CSD record inspected, a bit like a gas safety ticket if you live in rented property in the UK. Safe for use…

This then determines, access by the user, holding duration of all record elements, the user to be able to receive a report on who has seen what records for what purpose and when. And whether these reports can be demanded free of charge once per year.

I distinctly remember being at a security and identity conference in 2009 and one of the speakers referencing a Scandivian country where it’s citizens can opt to have a text or email whenever a clinician accesses their health records… (My ability to use Google to find the country has failed!)

Mark Cross

Bitcoin to drop at the end of 2012

It’s ineviatble that the conversion value of the Bitcoin currency will drop towards the end of 2012 with Fiat currencies.

Why, BTCFGPA and Butterfly Labs are bringing to market specialised ASIC computers just to mine Bitcoins. You connect the boxes to your standard PC, they mine quicker and consume less electricity. My “guess” is at least a quarter on Butterly’s 832MH unit – 80W. (Compared to a standard PC rig and high end video card).

Lower power consumption to mine bitcoins = lower fiat money conversion value.

Bitcoin backed by
People including so called “Bitcoin experts” write that Bitcoin is not backed by anything. This is absolute tosh. Gold and silver are backed by oil in today’s world, and Bitcoin is backed by electricity. Gold and silver has to be mined, and miners and the processes involved are paid in Fiat money which is underwritten by oil in some way. But the beauty of Bitcoin is that it is directly backed by the market price of electricity – until the 21 million coins have been produced…

I propose by my bi-polar nerve endings that the price curve for Bitcoin will be a bathtub curve over time.

Bitcoin v Fiat
The value of Bitcoin isn’t in a day to day spot price v a Fiat currency. The value of Bitcoin lies with what it will do to society, because of what you can do with it.

Anonymous BitTorrent Using ItsHidden VPN [Windows & Linux]

1. Run the following command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp

2. Click on the network manager icon in the task bar and select VPN Connections and then Configure VPN. In the VPN configuration window, click Add then click Next and the second page, under Connect To, select PPTP Tunnel and then click Next.
In the Connection Tab:

a. Under Connection Name enter ItsHidden
b. Under Gateway enter
c. Under username and password, enter the username and pass you enter when creating a ItsHidden account
3. On the Advanced options, check the option “Use Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE)” and select 128 bit type encryption.
4. Apply the changes and go to the network manager in the notification area and right click it, click on “VPN Connections” and choose the newly created “ItsHidden” connection -> you should now be connected to the VPN. If you have successfully connected, a small ‘lock’ icon will be displayed next to the connection icon in your notification area like in the image below:



A new wire protocol enabling applications to connect directly in a real-time and fully distributed manner, freeing them from relying on centralized datacenters

telehash == probably the most important internet protocol yet to be created

Mark Cross

Huawei E173 on Ubuntu 12.04 by Jakub Fedyczak

Huawei E173 on Ubuntu
added by Jakub Fedyczak on Monday, May 21st 2012, 21:15

I’ve been trying to get my Huawei E173 modem working on Ubuntu. I’m no Ubuntu expert and it took me half a day to get it working, so here’s what I eventually did:

Use HyperTerminal on Windows to switch device into modem mode (factory default is to make it a CD-ROM and a microSD card reader). Install all the drivers and connect to correct COM port. In my case it was COM3, but it was just my case. I’ve been trying to issued AT on all COM ports and finally I saw OK. Then I issued AT^U2DIAG=0 which also resulted in OK. If you don’t want to do this, you can try using usb_modeswitch.

On Ubuntu I’ve inserted the device, and issued lsusb:

Bus 001 Device 003: ID 12d1:1c05 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

I’ve edited /etc/modules and added a line:

usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1c05


Configure your mobile broadband connection using gnome network manager.

Use at your own risk (especially the Windows part).

New Media and money hit hyper drive this week Feb 20th 2012

Well it’s not often the Daily Mail gets have a story half right….

P2P Real-time TV

Barclays launches pay by mobile – Pingit, nothing radical but with zero charges, Pingit to be available to non Barclays customers in the future. Note well – no Windows Mobile support.

Did somebody say in the back, reduce the budget deficit in ten years? Wow nice one George! On the ‘ead, it’s diamond Geezer.
And – so if you provide this transaction free banking for the proletariat scum, we won’t split commerical from retail banking…. Interestingly put there Mr Cross.

Rashberry Pi meets the real world, an Android phone you can plug into your monitor, keyboard/mouse and use as a PC – using all you cloud data with a local copy in your phone. Due 2012. This leaves Microsoft and Apple eating dust. Linux could REALLY GO mainstream 2013. My old Nokia N73 had the processing power of my first work PC of 1993.

WhatApp Messenger – disruptive technology ALERT, this KILLS Blackberry, as it removes it’s USP, it’s killing text by IM. Will they need to IPO and why?

Industry analysts at Ovum reckon mobile network operators lost more than $13bn in 2011 as SMS finally gets replaced – a staggering estimate backed by stats from Allot.

But what’s most interesting is that among the free messaging services, such as Facebook and Yahoo!, 18 per cent of ‘net messaging traffic is now being generated by WhatsApp – a paid application that seeks to replicate the text experience, standing in stark contrast to the ad-supported services that hope to make money from advertising aimed though behavioural analysis.

This is 18% on a 250 million user survey.

Atos boss Thierry Breton defends his internal email ban by 2014

Mark’s CRUCIAL 2012 Trends

  • Internet Messenging – cross-platform, like WhatApp / Fring
  • Encryted P2P Email for Dummies – Zot protocol -> Friendika < - Most important for anonymous
  • Real Time P2P TV – Tribler & live.bitorrent < - Second most important for anonymous
  • Linux goes mainstream – Ubuntu on Android
  • Pingit – availble to any UK current account bank holder

Sorting out X in “Charlie”

charlie@charliesays:~$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 8192 x 8192
VGA-0 connected 1920×1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
1024×768 60.0
800×600 60.3 56.2
848×480 60.0
640×480 59.9
1920x1080_60.00 60.0*
DIN disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DVI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

Had to manually define 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz

cvt 1920 1020 60
xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode VGA-0 "1920x1080_60.00"
xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode "1920x1080_60.00"

Creating your own without the “+”

Re:The answer is still keepass (Score:4, Interesting)
by omglolbah (731566) Alter Relationship on Saturday December 31, @01:56AM (#38544890)

1. Buy domain.
2. Set up *@domain to forward to your real email account, optionally apply a label (I do this with gmail labels)
3. Register with sitename@domain as email address.
4. Check real email and verify account.

Unique email for each site. No need to guess.

A bonus is that if you start getting spam you can see where it originated by what email it starts coming in on.

I noticed a year or so ago that curse got hacked as I started getting wow phising emails to the email I registered for curse with 😉
Just redirect to /dev/nul when it happens :p

Microsoft you provide me work – thank you

Set Google as default search

IE v9 shit

Updates in XP – just plain FUCK OFF in XP Pro. If you run Microsoft Windows, your machine has high degree of being hit by a Zero Day Exploit, so why loose 15% of your boot up time to all the patches, that alledgely make it more secure? TLD4 – BBC Newest Adobe zero-day PDF exploit ‘scary,’ says researcher

Fuck off updates in XP Home

How to burn HP Recovery Disc without using Recovery Manager?

Re: How to burn HP Recovery Disc without using Recovery Manager?
you can restore the MBR, the procedure is given below and then use the

F11 key to restore your system completely. After that you can burn your recovery discs.

This procedure will perform a destructive restore ( delete all data on the hard drive). So make sure you backup your data before starting out.

The recovery partition is visible as

after a clean install. It may be another drive letter on your system so make sure you change it to D: . Explore this recovery partition, the files may be hidden so you may need to go to

Tools > Folder Options > View >
, select

show hidden files and folders
, and uncheck

Hide Extensions for known File types
and uncheck

Hide protected operating system files ( Recommended )
. Then you must be able to view a folder named

and inside this folder

Make sure you have two files inside the D:\miniNT\System32 folder, the first one

and the second one

now go to
Start > RUN >
D:\miniNT\System32\MBRInst.exe /ini D:\miniNT\System32\MBR.ini /r /q
and hit enter.

restart your system, your system will boot into recovery mode & resotre your system completely, after which you can create your recovery disks.

hope this helps


Last edited by cluelessME : 08-29-2007 at 04:16 AM.

This jem is copied in case the original site goes tits up.

Leeenux v4 install issues on eee 4G surf (aka 701)

When booting off yoru USB stick it will hang at:
press the TAB key and type “live”
wait a long time
User = “eee” password is blank

hit the “install v4” icon when you see it 🙂

When Leeenux starts, it may ask you for keyring password. Enter "2", and then do the following:
1. Open up your Home Folder
2. Press CTRL-H (or click View>Show Hidden Files)
3. Find a folder called .gnome2 (it has a period at the beginning of the name) and open it by double clicking on it
4. In side of the .gnome2 folder, there is another folder called keyrings. Open it up.
5. Delete any files you find within the keyrings folder
6. Restart the computer

Do above or you will have to keep entering your keyring to get remembered WiFi to work

alt-col2 GA-8SIMLNF Packard Bell Missing Multimedia Audio Controller SOLVED

There’s been a lot of talk about this renogade OEM Gigabyte mobo – maybe too much talk.
mobo GA-8SIMLNF R2

Ordinarily the driver crashes out with this dialogue box:

updatedriverforplugandplaydevices failed

Get hold of the from I cannot remember through the madness of it all!
Which essentially the same stuff

Google “sis drivers windows xp 7012”

Go to the XP directory
And edit the SIS7012.inf file

At the end of the [SIS] section
add to end:
%SiS7012.DeviceDesc%=SiS7012, PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7012&SUBSYS_200B1631

The Hardware ID key was missing so the mobo motherboard sound chip is screwy.

Job sussed – DONe

How’s your husband?

Jim, you never guess what? I ‘d just finished a job installing a router and it was second visit having got another one and the husband normally used to pick phone every time and he wasn’t around the house both times. So on after she’d settled up and was on the way out I casually asked “How’s your husband?”.

to which she said “he died last week”

then there was a pause

“it’s been bad time for the Internet to go down”


Jim: “Yes it’s bugger to sort inheritance without the Net”

Mark: shit I think I better send a sympathy card


Jim: “I’m sure you can claim that under business expenses”

The Mad Landlord

Can’t work out the difference between inches and millimeters?
Magnolia v white paint
It says in Wikipedia… (the weekly spot)