Sunday and Monday morning – First decent nights sleep for ages

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Sunday drove out to see Pythonesque, we had a really chill day, first I beavered over to the labs. Py was finishing of her new web ring site for agnostics and atheists. I just got Verdana font style running though most of my new site. After we got all that fixed up we popped of to Goodbody’s on Mutley for an English Breakfast and mighty welcome it was at 15:00 ish – I was famished. Py really did the epic the other day – went into the labs off a cereal in the morning (11am) and didn’t make it back to her cell until 10pm.

Then for supper it was Chicken Kiev with Pasta and cheese which Py did. If I had died and gone to heaven I’d have been happy for that to have been my last supper.

Watched most of Nicholas Nickleby on ITV at 9pm

Sunday night I got my first decent’s night sleep when I didn’t cough in the morning.
MX had sore throat followed by a cough which started a week back.
Twice daily a Benyln sessions etc.

Posted in weblog.

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