Py visits Camp Cross

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Py came to Kingsbridge by bus and we drove over to Salcombe, I didn’t got out to Plymouth as usual because of my not being up to driving.

We had lunch at the Ferry Inn – Quarter pound burger and chips. Which were damned good. Py had a Guiness, I had a Fosters. Then we visited Camp Cross for tea! (First time since Christmas or Boxing day to be more precise.)

Cream tea – Py brought her coffee maker that her mum sent her along with Uncle Don’s Colombian coffee. Afternoon went down well from what I could see… but Py hasn’t said anything on her page. The coffee was the Mutts Nutts as usual and is something I always look forward to when ever I visit Py. It’s just sooooo good like her.

I really missed her this week! XXX

Posted in weblog.

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