The Bank Holiday following May 1st

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Odd you get the Bank Holiday following the May Day?

Anyway – Friday I popped over to Py’s – Rupert nearly healed up. Py cooked my Cottage Pie which is one of my favourite’s. I started to snuffle…

Saturday morning was slow event – coffee and croissants, PM we strolled into town.
Evening we chilled in with a pork based curry. Yum.

Sunday, I can’t really remember – sorry.

In the evening we popped over to Steve & Lee’s to catch up with them. And watched a cool Brit Click called Purely Belter on DVD.

Monday Py woke up feeling terrible with a sore throat – now the two of us are feeling crap!

Afternoon was really chill and I/we slowly burned on the patio at S&Ls.

About 4ish we pushed off and I drove Py to Bigbury.

The day was wicked polished off with our fav Chicken Kiev and Turkey steak + pasta and cheese ~ courtesy of Mr Safeway.

Posted in weblog.

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