Work trip to Dorchester – scortcher of a day.
Set off from Saltstone at 8:30, arrived at 10:15, spent 30 mins attempting to park my car. Nightmare. 101.7 miles from home.
Have ordered a :
“fuji finepix 2400 with rechargeable batteries, charger and a 32mb smartmedia card”
2.1 Megapixels for the technically inclined. In ideal world I would have bought the top of the range Fuji SLR which takes the Nikon lens. But I think it might be best to wait for the Digital SLR to become common place, the outlay for an amateur is just too much.
Digital Photograhpy here I come, to keep the three Minolta’s and a Rolleiflex company. I always thought a Speed Graphic was going to be my next purchase – but I’ve cracked. Since meeting Py I’ve shot more film than I have done in years and we really like popping stuff up on the web and the scanning is getting me down.
The Ministry of Silly Photos is coming soon…
Py’s COOL banner – just created today 🙂
Well done Py!