Bank Holiday weekend

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Saturday, we took “Brummer” to the crap yard.
MX, HW, Leona, Fred and Ros.

My mechanic very kindly lent me a fixed bar, but sadly Helga wasn’t up to it, so we used Fred’s Cavilier, Ros towed with HW driving and Ros did a cracking job.

The brakes on the Brummer went at Totnes Cross on the way to Nick Wayes. Good job it was a fixed towing bar.

Steam Packet for lunch – photos here.
4pm back home, changed, started the day in jeans and then roasted.

6pm back at the flat, cleaned the bedroom cupboards, 3 Jay clothes later. Clean and smelling good.
It took till 23:30 to do this operation. “major” Tim visited me from next door and he’s a little chatty. More on the major another time I guess.

Sunday, mowed all the lawns, strimmed the back banks.
3:30 leave for the council rubbish tip to drop the garden rubbish off. Going through town, steam out of bonnet, it had been raining, so I thought some that just dropped on to the radiator. hmm temperature needle isn’t moving down. Dump rubbish, bonnet up – oh shit, plug (temperature sensor) jump out of the cooling system. Water drained out of system. Pooh.

4:30 call AA, 5:15 “Steve” up, looks like O ring perished, unfortunately I didn’t loose a clip, but I did loose a washer which I suspect was knackered. Get it back to my mechanics, AA guy traveling behind. Someone who works there is working on their own car, raid the place for a washer, temporary fix till after the Bank Holiday.

6ish back at the flat, unpack all Py’s clothes.

Start on the kitchen cupboards….

10pm leave for late dinner – achievement, all the top cupboards are clean inside now. Bottom ones tommorrow.

Posted in weblog.

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