“The future is wireless for PCs” – yes indeed it is

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… ‘Last week Jim Allchin, group vice-president of Microsoft, was talking up Windows XP, the new version of Windows for consumers (that will, by the way, make Windows95 obsolete; no more new device drivers for you, Mr Stopped-Paying-Microsoft-Six-Years-Ago-Win95 user!).

Allchin said XP will have lots of new features that will persuade people (like you, Mr SPMSYAW95 user) to upgrade their operating system, and presumably their computer. “We should have a very good next year, and when I say we, I mean the industry,” he told the Intel Developer Forum. “There are 140 million computers out there that haven’t been upgraded in three years; the operating systems and applications haven’t changed enough – haven’t added enough value – to get people to upgrade.”

Developers, or “software writers” to you and me, like such talk. Intel loves such talk, since it wants to shift some of those gigahertz-plus chips out the door.’ …


Posted in weblog.

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