21st century career is a 50 year journey

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Excerpt from an SWRDA press release titled the same:

In outlining his skills vision Lord Leitch set some ambitious goals which included:
– 95 per cent of working age adults to achieve functional literacy and numeracy – up from 85 per cent literacy and 80 per cent numeracy today. This means 680,000 basic skills attainment per year against 110,000 today.
– More than 90 per cent of workforce adults qualified to at least Level 2 (equivalent to 5 GCSEs – grades A-C)) – up from 70 per cent today. Ninety-five per cent means 1.7 million more adults with Level 2 and 500,000 people achieving Level 2 each year against 280,000 today.

  • What a load of bollocks – define what literacy is?!
  • What does it really mean to be literate to a level that is useful for an individual to be useful to a business?
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