Captive State by George Monbiot

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Captive State by George Monbiot
ISBN-13: 978-0330369435

Great book explaining:

How the NHS is being killed by PFI
The Corporate Takeovers of Universities

Corporates were originally non profit and charitable
1600s – By the Crown
The East India Company broke this in 1642 when it became profit making for it’s company of shareholders

rBST works by forcing the cow to produce increased quantities of IGF-1. It crosses over in the gut wall and IGF-1 in milk could cause breast cancer and colon cancers in humans… Menopausal women with levels of IGF-1 in their blood stream were seven times more susceptible to breast cancer.

Tory government allows the permitted level of glyphosate in soya beans for human consumption. Normally levels are lowered but for Monsanto’s Roundup – glyphosate it was raised 200 times or 20,000 per cent.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is up 80% since the 1970’s and increased exposue to glyphosate was reported in 1999, in the Journal of American Cancer Society.

Public Order Act 1986 – restricts right to demonstrate
Trade Union Act 1992 – criminalised previously legal union activity
Criminal Justice Act 1994 – the right to break up most protests
Security Services Act 1996
Police Act 1997 – “conduct by a large number of persons in pursuit of a common purpose”
Anit-stalking Act 1997 – could be used against non-violent demontrations

Posted in Books & Films, Pearls of wisdom.

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