Bitcoin price, currency, commodity – Monarchy

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Well the long term 18+ month stability of Bitcoin “may” depend of whether it gets classed as a commodity. Tax wise if it gets classed as a commodity I’m reliably informed by a city type in the Castle Pub, Totnes that this will cause the big boys to get involved, like Fidelity the other day. But then they immediately got leaned on by Uncle Sam.

The Swiss are taking a view in the New Year, the Germans have already classed it as private currency. The UK is undecided, but I was advised by the tax office myself – that I’m to do my tax return for CGT as currency.

So at moment it’s as clear as mud.

The more interesting issue is that the Swiss used the tally stick in rural areas as late as the 19th Century. And Britain’s BOE absorbed the last of the Monarchy’s tally stick in the UK in about 1850, at 60% discount of value.

If you believe that the government is a pawn of the military industrial complex? And we would be better off without the people who just make money up. Both at a spiritual level and a planet conservation angle – then you should be perhaps voting for Bitcoin as currency.

I personally believe that puts you firmly in the position of supporting the Monarchy. As the Monarchy issued tally sticks of supply without the backing of government, gold or silver.

Essentially the aristocracy wealth was based on land value, and it’s probably where the planet needs to be if the human species is not to destroy itself. Because ultimately even if you culture food in a jar and don’t go mad watching day time TV, you’ll have to fucking live somewhere!

Transition decline based on energy is utter BOLLOCKS.

Thorium nuclear power and nanotechnology will solve our energy problems in the next twenty years.

What is at issue is the 95 rare elements that keep the wheels on the consumer society and level debt in the Western World, coupled with future life expectancy that is truly frightening. Boiled frog syndrome springs to mind.

Posted in Bitcoin Politics, Politics.

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