Easter 2001 – A bit of a travelthon

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Here goes I’ll try not to leave anything out – photos to pop-up sometime in the future, courtesy of good olde worlde silver halide technology!

Friday – lunch with Py 12 ish

Set off for Tintagel – into …. CORNWALL. MX has been there just once for a Lodge meeting.

Arrived about 3.30 Py and went around the King Arthur museum, AV by Robert Powell – “the romance and tradegy of King Arthur, Guinevere and Sir Lancelot in the Electronic Show with light, music images and classical art”. “Some of the world’s finest stained glass windows in 72 jewelled coloured scenes depicting the quest for the Holy Grail and the symbolism of chivalry”…

5pm locate Hotel – Tolcarne House Hotel. £25 ppn. Ensuite – very nice.

Looked around St Symphorian’s Church at Forrabury, Boscastle. Py’s photos here

For supper we drove to Bude via Widemouth. Nice slap up meal at “Anna’s Cornerhouse” – not listed on Yellow Pages directory – sorry no link.

Bostcastle Harbour walk
Witchcraft museum
Tintagel Castle

2:45 St Austell – investigation roundabout before the Eden Project, oh dear – end of investigation, non happening event.

Tesco’s car park sandwiches, oranges juice bananas. hmmm.

Right lets go to Land’s End!

*Penzance and St Michael’s Mount photos to appear here*

5pm Look for somewhere to stay – St Just.
On the way – get attacked by killer geese – see Py’s entry on Diaryland.
No photos were taken – too dangerous to get out of the car.

5.40 ish Stayed at “Llawnroc”, 1, Truthwall Villa, Botallack, Nr St Just Tel 01736 788814.
Plain B&B no ensuite £15 ppn – “Would you like a pot of tea on arrival?” Is Sid the Sexist a Viz character?

8 ish – Supper at the King’s Arms St Just 16″ Nice and Spicy pizza £6.95. The locals kept looking around ‘cus they didn’t believe we’d finish it. Pub built in 13C – as a pub 15C.

10:30 Lands End

12:20 St Ives – Tate Gallery – pasty – ice cream

15:45 Truro Cathedral – wow most impressive stained class I’ve ever seen

17:50 – The Bowling Alley in Plymouth to meet up with Steve and Lee

7ish back at Twin Peaks (aka Kingsbridge). Chillie Concarne a la Lee and Py – excellent.

Watched High Plains Drifter with Steve HW, Lisa and Lee fell asleep.

Long lie in, bacon sandwiches. V late start.
3.30ish – popped over to see Uncle and Aunt staying in Batson.
5.30 MX, Py and Steve & Lee drove up to Fred & Roz to Kingsteington. Great meal at the Passage House on the banks of the river Teign. I attacked a quarter Chicken.

9 ish off to Exeter to Ray K gig at the The Fizgig.

11 ish head of for new Py place of residence – 907!

Shop in Plymouth – great finds in the Pannier Market, Photography book for Lee, long lost CDs for both of us. Pair of trainers for Py. Sinful Cheeseburger at Burgerking and Sainsbury’s run. Semi-defrosted the fridge in the kitchen allocated to 907 – so the door now shuts properly and it freezes properly.

20:30 Lab run – Py does Diaryland for the same Easter Weekend – MX does this one!

Night night world – we’ve got to get some dinner and do some washing.

Posted in weblog.

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