Sunny Plymouth

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Nice late start, tea, bacon sarnies, REAL coffee.
Trip to Totnes – arrived 2:40
Picked up my brogues from what must be the only cobbler South of Bristol.
Strolled downtown for something to eat. What at struggle ended up at Safeway’s supermarket!
Found a really cool handmade card for Auntie Mary, Py found some international coins and wickedest of all we found some ‘teaspoons’!
Bought fudge from show just above the butchers coming up on the left hand side of the main street.
Went around St Mary’s Church – consumed some of the said fudge.
4.30 popped over to Dartington Cider Press – picked up a US Cheese Grater.
*Twilight Zone MUSIC* pumped into Auntie Margaret and David – who had been trying to get me all day on my mobile. I had given them the wrong number – so now somebody now has a new Uncle David they never knew they had!
6.30 tea at Batson – near Salcombe with M&D
11 back to 907 – Py reheated meatballs and made some Pasta 🙂

Posted in weblog.

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