Another chill Sunday

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We got back from chatting to Mich and both Py and I had a good night sleep in 907.

Sunday – we started of with Sainsbury museli saved by Sainsbury’s honey, toast and REAL coffee. A fuller explanation of REAL coffee with come out later.

After a very late breakfast with did a Sainsbury’s run to help Py out for next week we sit in the labs tapping away.

I’ve been research some PC monitoring tools, failed miserably to find a copy of Bob the Builder as an MP3. All I got was blooy p0rn sites! – I’ve sort of missed it charting locally. May have to get one from Amazon at this rate – they appear to have copies.

Py has been busy on yet more pictures – see:

It’s 7ish… and I’m getting hungry again – Py, I thing it’s time for supper 🙂

xx MX

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