Author Archive: m1bxd
Managed DNS – ENUM help – NAPTR record management?
Managed DNSâ„¢ AG Projects.
Best product Euros 80 – 10 zones (£55)
Sentiro Ltd < - Watch out for these guys!
press release
TTL Control
US – $50 10 zones
US – $100 25 zones
Round Robin
10 zones – $3.95 per domain
Varying permissions for a domain can be assigned to other users if you wish, allowing you to organise complex access structures for personnel.
Resonix – annonymously located UK company with bizarre pricing structure that I can’t suss.
UK unlimited £45 per/month with branded serves
From £20.00 per Annum (excluding VAT) for 150 Zones
£20 for Primary & Secondary or £20 for secondary only
Based in Exeter! Use Star Internet Ltd – Good rep ISP
$50 – 100 domains Primary OR Secondary
Looks great for secondary
10 free – upgrade to full service providing email if cannot copy primary £15, alert only £10
15- £30, 20 – £50, 25 – £60, 30 – £65, 35+ @ £2.75 each
I use this service and it appears to be cracking!
Can anybody help me find more ENUM support for managed DNS? – TA MX
First Open News Aggregator Standard Expected to Advance Syndicated Feed
New Bloglines Web Services Selected by FeedDemon, NetNewsWire and Blogbot to Eliminate RSS Bandwidth Bottleneck.
“Bloglines Web Services address a key issue facing the growing RSS market by reducing the bandwidth demands on sites serving syndicated news feeds. Now, instead of thousands of individual desktop PCs independently scanning news sources, blogs and web sites for updated feeds, Bloglines will make low-bandwidth requests to each site on behalf of the universe of subscribers and cache any updates to its master web database. Bloglines will then redistribute the latest content to all the individuals subscribed to those feeds via the linked desktop applications — FeedDemon, NetNewsWire or Blogbot — or via Bloglines’ free web service. ”
Google builds a browser (The Reg)
By John Oates
Published Tuesday 21st September 2004 10:56 GMT
Google is spending some of the cash it raised from its IPO on headhunting staff to build a web browser. Staff have already been poached from Microsoft and Sun.
Joshua Bloch, a senior Java developer at Sun, and four people from Microsoft’s IE team have all joined the firm in the last few weeks, according to the New York Post. One of the four, Adam Bosworth, was also a lead developer in the development of Access.
UK Internet everywhere
PCCW opens kimono (a little) on UK broadband wireless plans
When the UK’s 15 licenses for fixed wireless broadband ended up in the hands of a single viable bidder in May last year, most European and UK operators shrugged and said so what?
Pacific Century Cyber Works bought 13 of 15 licenses auctioned in the UK last year, by bidding through differently named subsidiaries and later acquired the companies that held the other two, all for a total cost of about $14m.
the new world order, baby!
Create page of links by “An Autopsy of Reason”
And also check out:
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Dell Axim A30 to WAP
I got stuck and found this.
Now it didn’t solve my problems – but got me to a level base line as it’s a work’s toy.
My problem that under the “Authentification” tab I had to check “Network Authentification” and “The key is provided for me automatically” to enter the the “Network key”. But then if I did not uncheck the “Network Authentification” afterwards – the Axim couldn’t talk to my SMC2655W!
hmm opml
So OPML export is actually in WordPress v1.2 but not documented!
So my links feed is actually hanging off next along with
Now I’ve just got to suss getting all my IE favourites into OPML…
Bush by numbers: Four years of double standards
By Graydon Carter
03 September 2004
(Front cover of the UK Independent newspaper and a few inside pages …)
Bush by numbers
1 Number of Bush administration public statements on National security issued between 20 January 2001 and 10 September 2001 that mentioned al-Qa’ida.
104 Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned Iraq or Saddam Hussein.
101 Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned missile defence.
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It’s a funny thing, but…
I never noticed, but since I started my blog it’s been mis-splet!
The wife’s first comment was, you don’t spell “groto” like that…
<< :: d e f e c t i n g :: >>
I have just migrated from pmachine 2.2 (knowledge of phpMyAdmin required)
“pmachine import problems from v2.2 or how I spent Sept 3rd, or very early Sept 4th”
My advice
First udpate pmachine to 2.3
“Point your browser to the pm/updates/index.php file on your server. This file will update you to version 2.3 Be sure that you’re accessing the file through your webserver and not just loading the file into your web browser locally. Access the file as you would a regular webpage, using an address similar to”
Well it doesn’t you have to run this in the browser to: /pm/updates/update_2.3.php
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Tony Walkey commented on Paul Johnson on Radio BBC 5 Live June 16th 2004
A friend of mine Tony Walkey who recently spent a year in Riyadh teaching English and spent many lunchtimes with the American Paul Johnson who was abducted on Saturday 12th June.
How Microsoft Lost the API War by Joel
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Here’s a theory you hear a lot these days: “Microsoft is finished. As soon as Linux makes some inroads on the desktop and web applications replace desktop applications, the mighty empire will topple.”
Although there is some truth to the fact that Linux is a huge threat to Microsoft, predictions of the Redmond company’s demise are, to say the least, premature. Microsoft has an incredible amount of cash money in the bank and is still incredibly profitable. It has a long way to fall. It could do everything wrong for a decade before it started to be in remote danger, and you never know… they could reinvent themselves as a shaved-ice company at the last minute. So don’t be so quick to write them off. In the early 90s everyone thought IBM was completely over: mainframes were history! Back then, Robert X. Cringely predicted that the era of the mainframe would end on January 1, 2000 when all the applications written in COBOL would seize up, and rather than fix those applications, for which, allegedly, the source code had long since been lost, everybody would rewrite those applications for client-server platforms.
Wi-Fi hotspots simply too expensive to German study – but UK likes them on trains!
Wi-Fi hotspots simply too expensive
By Jan Libbenga
Published Wednesday 2nd June 2004 10:32 GMT
Wi-Fi hotspots will only meet the needs of small customer groups and for the majority of hotspots there will be little or no return of investment. So says the Scientific Institute for Communication Services or WIK, Germany’s leading research and advisory institute for communication services.
The institute expects a consolidation process within the next few years. More importantly, it warns that users find the tariffs of public Wi-Fi services – 5 to 10 euros per hour – simply too high.
More UK train firms commit to on-board Wi-Fi
By Tony Smith
Published Tuesday 25th May 2004 09:19 GMT
Together, Virgin and the other three operators account for 20 per cent of the UK rail industry, which comprises 29 TOCs, including Virgin’s two and GNER. They run over 700 trains, all of which will be gaining Wi-Fi support over the next four years, Broadreach said.
In a survey of 1600 UK rail passengers conducted in March and April this year on behalf of Broadreach, some 78 per cent of business travellers said they are interested in using Wi-Fi on train journeys. And 72 per cent said the provision of such services would persuade them to take trips by train rather than by car or aircraft.
Since most of them are willing to pay up to £12 for the privilege, depending on the lenth of the journey, that’s a big motivation for TOCs to roll-out wireless Internet technology. Around half of their business customers already carry a laptop on board – almost a quarter take a PDA with them. How many of those devices are already WLAN-enabled is not known, however.
Mark’s UK virtual WISP’s list day/month model base fee + time model
Broadreach Networks
FreeRADIUS & Freeside & SOWN-1x
FreeRADIUS includes more than 40 vendor-specific dictionary files. It ships with support for LDAP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle databases. It supports EAP, with EAP-MD5, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-PEAP, and Cisco LEAP sub-types. It is rapidly approaching a stable 1.0 release, with increment improvements being added and tested daily. In short, it is a powerful, fast, and complex RADIUS server which is compatible with the latest network protocols and practices, and is well suited for deployment in large networks.
Freeside is an open-source billing package for ISPs.
Major new features include ACH (electronic check) support and time/bandwidth billing with FreeRADIUS, ICRADIUS, or Radiator. New reports were added (suspended packages, payments by type and/or date range, and package definitions by total customer packages). The Web UI gained a “cancel this customer” button, easy package changes, and an “unprovision” option for individual services. Exports to Apache, LDAP and command-based vpopmail were added, and suspension/unsuspension hooks were added to the export API.
SOWN-1x is a project designed to let people share their wireless connectivity safely and securely using the 802.1x protocol. You control who can use your access points, from friends and family to any user in the database. All you need to take part is an 802.1x capable access point and a static IP address on your internet connection.
We also log who is using your access point and when, thus if anybody should abuse your internet connection it will be possible to identify them.
Do-It-Yourself VOIP Telco
Posted by michael on Friday May 28, @09:27AM
from the some-hacking-required dept.
DamnYankee writes “Robert X. Cringley predicts the coming demise of the landline telco monopolies from the grassroots encroachment of VoIP and Linux on the latest generation of Wifi routers. According to Bob, ‘The result is a system with economics with which a traditional local phone company simply can’t compete’. With Linux capabilities and builtin VoIP any Mom and Pop can become the local equivalent of a cellular phone company for the price of $79 Wifi router. Now how is Verizon going to compete with that? Get the full scoop from the man himself.”
[b”>What is NetShare?[/b”>
WiFi NetShare from Speakeasy allows you–the tech-savvy Speakeasy DSL member–to offer your neighbors broadband service via the new WiFi revolution. They get broadband service; you reduce your monthly fees.
[b”>FXO kit[/b”>
[b”>Great VOIP Info site – running tikiwiki[/b”> Launches Internet Telephony Service
By evilbunny
from the free phone calls department, Section News
Posted on Sun May 30th, 2004 at 03:51:28 AM PST
So you’ve heard about this enum thing-a-majig and you’re dying to try it out but don’t have a spare linux box to throw a copy of Asterisk or SER up to abuse it to your hearts content! What’s a geek to do??
Well there’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel, presents, a simple yet effective SIP proxy service that’s capable of enum lookups from the zone. To make use of the service, all you need to do is bring a SIP software or hardware phone, make a couple of changes and off you go! It’s literally that simple! isn’t like most other services out there on the net, when you go to sign up you won’t be issued yet another randomly allocated number, instead you’ll be able to verify your phone number and have that linked directly to your account.
We don’t think 100 different numbers for 100 different services is a very easy thing to keep track of. However makes it possible to track all those other numbers with a single number, and not a new number, but your existing phone number.
Wifi and Mesh bootables
Locustworld – a US connection
The founder, David Peterson, saw the benefit of a wireless system that would be self organizing. After months of research, he found Jon Anderson of Locustworld. Jon’s vision of an open source system built on user input and live testing appealed to David and a working relationship was formed.
Mesh Image Boot
WRT54G (More)
HotSpot Boot
Public IP’s ZoneCD
Gateway authorisation
Linux LiveCD Router
HotSpot Boot Mac (see FAQ)
Round up article on HotSpots
What are WiFi phones?
WiFi based telephones who utilize Voice-over-IP technology to make calls worldwide at no or low costs are already available:
A good portal:
How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare
How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare
by L. Wolfe
Printed in The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.
“I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television…. You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV set images….”
–Hal Becker, media “expert” and management consultant, the Futures Group, in an interview in 1981 [1″>
Did You Know That if You Have Ever experienced PTSD or felt Patriotic that You Are Mentally-Ill?
Tavistock’s Language Project: The Origins of “Newspeak”
digital photography myths and facts
TheTechLounge writes “This is Part II of a series of three editorial articles examining current digital photography hardware, as well as my views of what is to come. In this segment I will be focusing on build, size, weight and ergonomics of camera bodies, as well as the size, weight, function and versatility of the glass strapped to the front of it. If you haven’t already, you may want to read Part I first.”
Onionlike polymer particles ideal for secure encryption and identification
Clever geometry is the basis of a new material that is said to be ideal for secure data encryption and dense optical information storage [Adv. Mater., 16, 516 (2004)”>.
The material consists of a lattice of onionlike spheres in which the particle core and its layers each contain a different dye. The material can hold four or more pieces of information in one spot—not just two as in binary optical data storage. And it opens a door to high-density three-dimensional optical data storage.
ENCAPSULATED In a three-dye system, core, shell, and matrix are labeled with separate dyes.
“The approach is really simple,†says lead researcher Eugenia Kumacheva, associate professor of chemistry at the University of Toronto, who worked with postdocs Ilya Gourevich and Hung H. Pham and microscopist James E. N. Jonkman. They start with colored colloids—polymeric nanospheres labeled with a dye—for example, an ultraviolet dye. Then they envelop the nanosphere, what Kumacheva calls the core, with a shell of another polymer labeled with a dye that has a spectrum entirely distinct from the first—say, a visible dye. Any number of dye-polymer shells can be added. The last shell then becomes the matrix that holds the layered particles.
Chemical & Engineering News
ISSN 0009-2347
Copyright © 2004
April 19,2004
Volume 82, Number 16
p. 10
Montreal parking meters run embedded Linux
Montreal Parking Meters Run Linux
Posted by michael on Tuesday April 20, @05:06PM from the working-for-the-man dept.
jbecherv writes “According to, new-fangled Montreal parking meters run embedded Linux (Google Cache). The City of Montreal is planning to roll out 500 to 800 wireless, solar-powered parking payment stations based on embedded Linux. There is even a device profile (Google Cache) that show some details about the meters… These meters run kernel 2.4.19 on a 206MHz StrongARM SA-1110. Each system has 64MB of RAM, boots from a CF device, and is networked wirelessly via GPRS.”
What can Google do for you tommorrow?
Speculating About Gmail
Posted by michael on Monday April 05, @04:05AM
from the talk-is-cheap dept.
rjelks writes “The Register is running an article about Google’s new email service that was mentioned earlier, here. The story details the new privacy concerns about Gmail’s privacy policy and Google’s tracking habits. The policy states that Google will not guarantee the deletion of emails that are archived even if you cancel your account. ‘The contents of your Gmail account also are stored and maintained on Google servers in order to provide the service. Indeed, residual copies of email may remain on our systems, even after you have deleted them from your mailbox or after the termination of your account.'” Reader cpfeifer writes “Rich Skrenta (founder of ODP, and Topix) speculates in his blog that the real product Google is creating isn’t web search or email, but a massively scalable, distributed computing platform. ‘It’s a distributed computing platform that can manage web-scale datasets on 100,000 node server clusters. It includes a petabyte, distributed, fault tolerant filesystem, distributed RPC code, probably network shared memory and process migration. And a datacenter management system which lets a handful of ops engineers effectively run 100,000 servers.’ If he’s right, the question isn’t what product will Google announce next, but what product will they not be able to announce?”